Friday, October 14, 2005

Happy 3rd Birthday Angie!

Today was Angie's 3rd birthday. All morning she was asking "Is it my birthday party now?" I told her it was her birthday but we were having her birthday party later in the evening. If you know Angie you know how much she LOVES birthdays!! We had a visit scheduled with her Mom from 10-11am. Her aunts were there when we got there but her Mom didn't show up until 10:25. She was going to bring lunch and a cake for her but that didn't happen either. She did bring her a desk and her aunts brought her some clothes. After we got home I wrapped the gifts from us and Ahma for her cake and ice cream. We had pizza for dinner, she had a Barbie cake and got to open her presents. She is really into princess stuff. Ahma got her a dress up kit with the pretty shoes in it. We got her a princess cell phone with case, a princess chair and a bunch of ponies.

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