Saturday, September 23, 2006

Taniyah helping and Mom's here!

Yesterday morning I was checking my e-mail after getting the four elementary kids off to school.

Ladaria and Tyreque had a planning day so they were still home.

Taniyah decided that she needed to help me and settled herself right in front of my laptop!


We went to choir practice and then on to home group.

Brayana went to Palm Springs for the weekend with friends, Ladaria went to stay with Lauren, Destini went to a birthday party and Tyreque went to a friends house so today we only had Jaleel, Tete and Mak.

We took them to the rec center for a community fair.

Mom called and we weren't sure when they would be coming in.

She finally called to say that they had made it in so Jaleel and I headed off to pick them up.

Rod stayed home with Makkiah and Tete so they could help him clean out the van.

Since they were delayed and rushed from one plane to the next they had not eaten all day. We met Rod at Poppa's favorite eatin' place.

Came home and vacuum out the van.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Sorry we were so late. It was commented that DFW just didn't want the plane to land with all of our kids on board!!!!

Thanks for coming to pick us up and for being so prepared that you took care of everything so that we didn't miss out luggage and car seat so much!!