Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Shots and teeth

What in God's green earth was I thinking?

We just home from vacation last night.

I have a week's worth of laundry to do for 11 people.

My house is a disaster after unloading the van last night.

My Mom bought us a PS2 for Christmas which was waiting for us when we arrived home.

The kids wanted to play the PS2 over unpacking.

Who wouldn't?!

I guess I had momentary lapse of judgement when I scheduled Taniyah's well baby appt for 8 am.

Where she recieved 4 shots.

The four shots that are MOST likely to cause fever and irritability.

She gets fever and irritability with the shots that are LEAST likely to cause them.

If that wasn't bad enough I ALSO scheduled Angie to get her teeth pulled.

Not 1 tooth

Not 2 teeth

BUT 4 teeth!!

4 teeth that are so infected that the local anestethic didn't want to numb her up.

And of course her dental is to cheap to pay for anything else.

Next time I decide to do something like this would somebody please kick me!!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Oh, the best laid plans!! Sorry to hear about Tetee shots. I know she is an unhappy camper. And I feel for Angie too. I had two teeth pulled that were in the same shape - and I was an adult!!